shopify agency of the year

Jun 24,2009 Shopify API Ecommerce

Godine Website Redesign

Earlier this month we redesigned the Godine website, a Nottingham Restaurant booking service. With our overhaul we targeted key areas to improve the website and benefit the business. We have improved the look and feel, use-ability and search engine performance through on-site improvements and changes to the architecture.

With the website being taken on by several local Tourism boards the business as a whole has enormous scope currently and greater potential than I have ever seen. The process and infrastructure behind this site is something really special and it is definately a site to be aware of.

Godine is so unique to other sites in its field in terms of functionality and not spoiled with advertising, the idea and service is pure and excellent. It makes my mind boggle that the idea was conceived in University and developed/project managed to the standard it is now by a guy with no prior knowledge or experience of web design, the MD Adam Roberts..... well done sir!

The website now holds the top spots in Google for all of its target search terms around 'Nottingham restaurants' and has seen considerable growth in traffic and bookings.

If you are looking to book a table in a Nottingham Restaurant use the service... it is great and allows you to compare, view and book all local restaurants in one place for FREE!

Check out the site here...