May 04,2010 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce
Email Marketing with Double Opt-in Confirmation
Email marketing can be used effectively to create repeated custom to a website. When you have a customer's email address you can email them offers time and time again meaning that each email address is a great asset to an online business.
There are steps you must take to capture and use visitors email addresses without getting into trouble and labeling yourself as a "spammer" so below is Juno's guide to email marketing using the "double opt-in" method:
How 'double opt-in' emails work
When a user fills in an email form on a website they instantly receive a confirmation email. These confirmation emails come with a special tracking link in for the user to click on to continue the sign-up process. Once this link is clicked the user has now “doubly opted-in” to receive emails from you as they have done two actions to say that it's ok to email them.
When a person “doubly opt's in” they can be sent any email and it will appear directly in their email's Inbox and not in the spam folder. This means the email is highly likely to get read by the receiver and they may buy any products advertised. When a user "doubly opt-ins" they are basically giving you permission to advertise to them! If you advertise products along the same theme of the site they filled the email form on then you could easily 'upsell' to them or re-sell your product if they left your website without purchasing anything.
After a person “doubly opt's in” you can send an automated email out at any interval after the sign up. For example an automated email can be sent out straight after they sign up or 3 days later. You can also broadcast emails at any time to everyone on your email list, this lets you do seasonal promotions or announce news about new products or services.
Double Opt-in is the only method where you can be certain that your email will reach someone's Inbox; some companies buy millions of email addresses only to find that they are worthless as over 95% of emails sent to them don't even get read!
Juno use the "Aweber" program to manage our email campaigns which is highly recommended with it's auto-responder functions and it's amazing rate of delivery and list handling.