Jan 24,2013 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce
How to convert a visitor into a buyer
Having a great website is all well and good, but if it doesn’t covert you’ve got problems. That’s the whole point of a site, after all—yes, you need it to attract visitors but you need it to convert those visitors into buyers, and putting plans in place to ensure that should be a key part of any web design project.
The first thing you need to do is analyse how people are actually using your site. Use analytic packages to determine what visitors are doing when they arrive, how they move around and where they click, and it’ll also help you to identify where you’re losing sales to focus your strategy. This could help you create an easier path to purchase, too—you want to make it simple for visitors to buy from you, so look at where customers are dropping out of the process and focus on making the path simple and straightforward.
Make sure to give them the necessary information too. If visitors can’t find what they’re looking for they’ll soon go elsewhere, so focus on providing valuable content and delivering all the pertinent details (contact numbers, user instructions etc.) in a clear and easy-to-find manner. You might want to implement a chat feature too, ensuring any questions can be answered quickly to improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of making a sale.
Then you’ll want to think about gathering their personal details. Not everyone will want to make a purchase as soon as they click on your site but if you follow-up with them at a later date you’ll be first on their mind when they’re ready to make a decision, so consider asking them to sign up to a newsletter or offer them free reports, whitepapers or subscriptions in return for an email address, for example.
It’s all about driving revenue and anyone that leaves your site without buying something is a missed opportunity, so don’t run the risk of losing out—make sure to spend some time implementing a few tips and tricks to convert visitors into buyers and you could soon notice the difference.