shopify agency of the year

Feb 10,2012 Juno Ecommerce Ecommerce

Now where did I put that document?

Its a common problem in offices throughout the UK, you've spent hours working on it, you've printed it and presented it, you've saved it (somewhere) but now, that very important document has disappeared.

Union Square is a company that specialises in Document Management Software and approached the team at Juno Web Design to request a helping hand. Union Square caters to a range of industries including construction, architecture, consultancy, development and engineering, offering a range of solutions that means misplacing documents is a thing of the past. Their very clever systems, such as Workspace, are completely automated. Workspace creates files and stores complete accounts and projects.

Document management in these particular industries, is key to the smooth execution of a project. From initial ideas and designs, to the signing over of a completed project, important documents need to be stored correctly and have a secure element covering them, as only certain members of the business should be able to access them.

Workspace prevents documents from going missing, manages a project, flags up reminders and any missing documents. It prevents duplication and links all documents to the original client. In short, it is a very cool piece of kit. Union Square has supplied many companies with Document Management Software, which has provided a solution to a system which was previously very fragmented.

Juno Web Design has taken on Union Square and optimised their website, to promote high rankings of specific keywords. We also ensure the content of pages is SEO rich and relevant, helping their page indexing in Google.

Juno Web Design.